Have you ever heard of a study station?
I stumbled across this idea as I was thinking about ways to help keep my kids on track. My youngest needs to be reminded of the days of the week, while my oldest needed to be reminded of her multiplication tables. My middle child is perfecting her addition and subtraction skills. How do I keep them all on task when I have limited wall space?
The answer, study stations!
The purpose of the study station is to create a portable space to help your child focus on their work. If you have multiple students this also helps to minimize arguments since everyone has their own cornered space. The study station also provides visual reminders for what needs to be done and what has been done. If your child struggles with multiplication tables, or remembering to capitalize words, you can put these reminders on the board to subtly remind them as they complete their school work.
I immediately got to work! I hopped in the car and went to Dollar Tree to get our materials . Here is a video to share how we got started.
In my Teachers Pay Teachers Store you could get a copy of the materials I used, the steps I followed and some cool labels to add to your study station. Click here to learn more.
Come back for part two as I walk you through the final products and what we are working on in our homeschool.