Today we end our series on Morning Manna in Restoring the Joy. What a journey it has been over the past week! While today marks the end of the series, let us remember the lessons.
Let us remember to get up and get our morning manna before the sun waxes hot. Let us remember to pray without ceasing to the source of our Joy, God. Let us remember to meditate on His word. Finally, let us remember the good things He has done for us. One way to do so is in a Joy Jar.
Get a vase, a jar, whatever you have around the house. Decorate it (or not), get strips of paper and at the end of every day, write down the things that brought you joy. When you are feeling down, you can read your strips of paper. At the end of the year, imagine how many pieces of paper you can have and all the memories you would have stored up!
May His joy remain in you and may your joy be full (John 15:11).