I came to a startling realization recently (okay, maybe not so startling because it is something that the Holy Spirit has been revealing to me for a while now) I am not a nice mommy 🙁
Okay, let me clarify before the DFCS office gets a phone call. I make sure that my kids needs and wants are met everyday, I play with them (occasionally), I read to them (when I remember), take them to the park/library and I tell them stories (maybe not all in the same day but definitely during the week). However, in the hustle and bustle of the day… I yell….a lot. I know it’s not good to yell all the time but I guess I feel that I need to elevate my voice to heart stopping levels to get their attention… ALL. THE. TIME.
I have noticed some physiological changes taking place in me when I yell. My heart beats faster, tension rises up my neck to my head, my nerves stay on edge and EVERYTHING is a mountain and not a mole hill. And that’s just me. I must also be mindful of what this does to the precious minds of my babies, my pride and joy.
Each day I wake up and say this day will be different, this day I will be a nice mommy…. and each day I fail. So what’s a mom to do?
Here are some tips to get you started:
- In the morning, before the kids awaken, pray for the guidance from the Holy Spirit.
- During the day, when you feel the urge to yell, stop, breath and pray for calm words to speak.
- Enlist the help of a family member/friend for some accountability.
This week I called a friend and we challenged each other not to yell at our kids (with the exception of an oncoming car or other desperate emergency situations). Join the challenge by commenting below and also sharing with us how you stop yelling. Check in with us at the end of this week to see how we did 🙂
Here’s to no yelling as of 5:00 A.M., make that 5:14 A.M..