I just finished my first month using the Weaver Curriculum.
What I Like
I love the flexibility, the strong Biblical applications and the fact that it allows me to teach all three children at once.
The Weaver Curriculum gives me flexibility. The objectives and lessons are a framework, they provide a launching pad but you have to fill in the blanks. You can go as deep or as surface as you want to go. I first start with trying to find books on the topics at the library. I then would look on Google (YouTube) to find more current research on whatever topic we are studying. The dictionary and atlas have also been helpful resources as I introduce my 6th grader to vocabulary and notes.
The Weaver Curriculum has strong Biblical applications. Today was the perfect example. For Bible we learned about the Heavenly City, New Jerusalem, in social studies they have been learning about the current city/county we live in and for English they wrote a letter/poem about heaven. Everything is connected.
Finally the Weaver Curriculum allow me to teach all three children at once. I start with the basics that my 6 year old needs to learn, then he gets to play while I go into more depth with my 3rd and 6th grader. When that lesson is done, I call them back together to do the next topic.
So far, after one month it has been going very well. Watch the video review to see more.