Our Morning Time

10 Apr

We always begin our day with family worship.  

Since I have three children, each child gets to choose one song.  Then I have an opening song which is usually related to the focus of the week.  Most of the time I choose the same opening song for a week or a couple of weeks.  This week our song is 1 Corinthians 13, a scripture song.  We have been working on it for a couple of weeks now since my focus is on Love.

I love YouTube for song ideas as well as our church hymnal.  I created a playlist of our songs that you can check out here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkmQQ4wTF6dzmKrP_r2T6ot58zLQFvEzX 

After we sing we then have prayer and do our Bible Memory Box which is inspired by Charlotte Mason. You can learn more about the scripture memory system here: https://simplycharlottemason.com/timesavers/memorysys/

Our memory verses are inspired by our Bible Lessons.  Currently we are using My Bible First because I really want my children to learn the stories in the Word of God.  I used a recipe box to create our Bible box because it was sturdier and there were dividers already created for it, I just ignore the big recipe labels :-).  You can also get materials here:

Our current Bible box verses are:

  • Daily: Exodus 20:1-17 (we are doing a few verses a week so this will take a minute)
  • Even/Odd: I Corinthians 13 (we memorized this last year so we keep it in rotation especially since our focus is on love)/ Philippians 4:19
  • Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday: Philippians 4:13/ Matthew 1:20-21/ Romans 12:10/ Genesis 1:1/ John 3:16
  • Then we have a Bible verse for each date of the month 1-31 but those aren’t all filled up yet.

Finally we read our Bible lesson and end with prayer.  During the prayer we focus on a different area each day like our world leaders on Wednesdays, Sick & Shut in on Sabbath, Sorrowing on Sunday, etc.

What’s your morning routine like?

One thought on “Our Morning Time

  1. No Mommy Left Behind. Revive, Renew, Refresh, Restore.Most of the time I choose the same opening song for a week or a couple of weeks. This week our song is 1 Corinthians 13, a scripture song.

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