So yesterday we started our 40 Days in Psalms, specifically Psalms 37. In verse one we were admonished to not fret or be envious of evildoers. Now here in verse two we find out why.
“For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.” Psalms 37:2
Ouch, what imagery!!
I am reminded that the righteous are compared to trees (Psalms 1:3) while here the unrighteous are compared to grass.
“And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” Psalms 1:3
I’d like to be a tree. How about you!
Today, as we write Psalms 37:2 scripture on our hearts, let us ask God to help us be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters.
Click here to get a copy of the free bookmark straight to your inbox to help you keep track of the Bible verses during these 40 Days in Psalms. Then each day, write the Bible verse in your journal, planner, index card, etc.. Say the verse aloud, meditate on it. Memorize it. Please also feel free to share your Bible verse pictures at [email protected] so we can share it with others.