I first heard about this concept when the founder of the Lifeschooling Conference reached out to me regarding my Real World Math talks.
I was drawn to the concept because I believe learning happens all around us.
So what is lifeschooling?
Lifeschooling is the individualized process of discovering your child’s God-given gifts and talents, primarily through real life experiences that happen within the context of your family’s unique situations and missions.
As I thought about this definition of lifeschooling I realized that this isn’t just for homeschoolers but it applies to every parent of a school aged child.
Imagine what life would be like if we took time to pray and ask God to help us discover our child’s God-given gifts and talent?
What it would be like to allow the real life experiences to influence learning?
What it would be like to have it fit our lifestyle?
You might find yourself saying like Danielle:
“So, what should they learn from year to year?”
Well here’s the answer:
“It’s not complicated. We should simply ask God and then expect Him to answer. How many homeschoolers start planning their homeschool year by asking the Lord to show them what they need to do?”
Are you interested in learning more? Join us for the FREE Life Schooling Conference which starts Thursday, July 11 and ends on July 13. Click here to register today!